Thursday, January 17, 2008


Ms. Miriam is from Colombia, she is Stephany's mother and she is relative new to Canada I interview her because I want to know what she thinks about Canada and how she is doing here.

sofiND: Ms Miriam do you miss Colombia?
Ms. Miriam: Yes, I miss Colombia so much.
sofiND: Would you like to go to Colombia in the future?
Ms. Miriam: yes I would love it.
sofiND: What are some difference that you have find in Canada between and Colombia besides the weather?
Ms. Miriam: I think one big difference that I had found between my country and Canada is the security, tranquility and peaceful of here.
sofiND: Are you studing english in Canada?
Ms. Miriam:Yes.
sofiND: Do you think is hard this new launguage for you?
Ms. Miriam: It's hard specially the pronunciation but I'am doing okay.
sofiND: Have you had a problem in Canada?
Ms. Miriam: Not a big problem, but the launguage still a problem.
sofiND:Do you like Canada?
Ms. Miriam: I like Canada very much, especially the summer.
sofiND: What do you think about Canadians?
Ms. Miriam:There are some weird persons, but the majority is really nice and kind.
sofiND: Are you going to stay in Canada forever?
Ms. Miriam: yes I'am.
sofiND:Thank you for your time and I hope you the best.

Ms. Miriam: You welcome and thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my mom!! =D...PS...she was so happy because you interviewed her hehe