Thursday, January 17, 2008


The novels Hatchet and Forbidden City can be compared easily because they both describe stories of teenagers facing conflict and struggle. The similarities and differences between both books are the shown in the conflicts between the main characters and themselves, their families, nature and society. By examing these problems in each novel one can see that they both deal with the overall topic of teenagers coming of age and creating their own identity to challenges and difficulties.
In the novels Hatchet and Forbidden City, the similarities and differences are within the conflicts of society, because both main characters (Brian and Alex) need to integrate themselves to a new environment or society, on the other hand that is another difference between them, because one is trying to get use to the wilderness which is lack of any cultural problems, but it's don't lack of any conflict with some wild animal or natural disaster. And the other is struggling with getting use to a new country with different practices, beliefs, culture, language and political issues.
When you are part of a society you count with food but when you are in the middle of no where find food is so hard. "Sausages, chicken breast, sliced cucumber in sweet sauce, etc" Laoxu "great I thought what a thrill pg.30 (Forbidden City). "(He would never feel the same about food" (pg.34 Hatchet).
Secondly,the differences between the novels is the conflict, between the families of each, both are single children and their parents are divorced. the differences are that one lives with the mother and the other with the father. Also, Alex doesn't have problems withthe divorced anymore. Unlike Alex, Brian is not yet happy or acceptin of the divorce of their parents, he still struggles with the idea, and he has more problems trying to forget the causes of the divorced. Perhaps Alex doesn't feel bad anymore because he is older than Brian, and he has more experience with the fact of the divorce.
One had accept the divorced while the other still have the bad memories. "Then I figured if it wasn't my fault she left, dad must be to blame"pg.14 (Forbidden City). "And there were the words again dibvorce, split, the secret, how he could tell her what he knew." (pg.7 Hatchet).
Finally the similarities and differences between the two main character's struggle for identity are the challenges they face. First of all, both have divorce parents, that is a very serious problem for a teenager because that made them feel bad when they are in the teenager face. Then both are leaving to another place. The difference IS THAT ONE NEVER GOT TO HIS DESTINY, AND THE OTHER DID. Brian didn't get to his father, he had a problem in the plane , and the plane crash in the middle of no where, that nowhere was the wilderness of Canada in where he need to face so many problems like no food, a place to sleep, help from anyone, and the constant fear of been in a place that nobady know, of course this problem help him to mature and appreciate life, nature and himself and to learn more about nature and surviving.
Meanwhile, Alex was facing problems a little bit easier, but at the same time very complex conflicts. He was confronting a new country, China that was in the same planet that his country, but it was way to different that it almost was like a different planet. He learn, that life is not easy in some countries like in his country especially when the problemis caused by political issues. He was dealing, with a new culture, launguage, costumes and ideas of how people should live theirlife. He had and idea of how the world was, he had a interest in War and military strategies, that he tought were really cool and interesting, and after what he saw and experience in that country, his beliefs change dramatically, and he was like a new person, with a new and better view of the world and how people should live or be.
In conclusion, the two novels Hatchet and Forbbiden City share some differences and similarities about the struggles of teenagers to face challenges and mature. The novels show how facing some conflicts, make you a dirrernt person, when family change and your identity change. One thinks and acts so diffently, the view of life changes. One needs to confont a new problem or idea you learn something new. That makes a person some one else sometimes change for good or bad.
These conflicts problems or actions happen for a reason, for one to learn and mature, from our mistakes and put in our lifes new goals.


This question is key to the project that Ms. Mahoney assigned, because nobody in the class didn't before made a blog, at first the project look hard but then Ms. Mahoney spoke about how this project was going to helpful in the future for us, this project was going to made us learn something knew and use the computer for other thing beside the MSN. IT HAD BEEN A GREAT EXPERIENCE DO THIS I HAD LEARN NEW THINGS, so I think the use of a blog is helpful because you learn HOW TO USE PROPERLY THE COMPUTER, also the idea of a blog is really good because you can post your opinions, ideas and what you like, thanks to that people can know how you are and maybe this we help us to made new friends or tostill in contact we our friends in a more crative way. This is different to facebook or msn, because you can post news and photos beside yours, I hope that other people think the same like me and I hope that averyone had like this new experiece.


When I was little, one time I went to a pet shop for the first time I was so happy to see all the animals there, and suddenly I saw the ducks and I felt in love with them I asked my parents if I could have one and the tipical answer "NO" I hate that answer, well they say no, I was mad but I really wanted to have a duck I insisted and they sill with the NO. Eventually I forgot that, but one day MY AMAZING GRANDMOTHER gave me a brown bag paper and something was moving I opened and there it was Pato my duck it was so cute and very small and my first night with him I slept with Pato (don't worry that is not the end of the story). That morning I fill a little tub with water and Pato started to swam it was amazing. Pato is not with me anymore, I gave Pato to a guy with a farm, because I was leaving the city to live in other State, I don't know if he is alive but, the time that I had Pato it was amazing he was my first duck and I always will love and remember "Pato".


Ms. Miriam is from Colombia, she is Stephany's mother and she is relative new to Canada I interview her because I want to know what she thinks about Canada and how she is doing here.

sofiND: Ms Miriam do you miss Colombia?
Ms. Miriam: Yes, I miss Colombia so much.
sofiND: Would you like to go to Colombia in the future?
Ms. Miriam: yes I would love it.
sofiND: What are some difference that you have find in Canada between and Colombia besides the weather?
Ms. Miriam: I think one big difference that I had found between my country and Canada is the security, tranquility and peaceful of here.
sofiND: Are you studing english in Canada?
Ms. Miriam:Yes.
sofiND: Do you think is hard this new launguage for you?
Ms. Miriam: It's hard specially the pronunciation but I'am doing okay.
sofiND: Have you had a problem in Canada?
Ms. Miriam: Not a big problem, but the launguage still a problem.
sofiND:Do you like Canada?
Ms. Miriam: I like Canada very much, especially the summer.
sofiND: What do you think about Canadians?
Ms. Miriam:There are some weird persons, but the majority is really nice and kind.
sofiND: Are you going to stay in Canada forever?
Ms. Miriam: yes I'am.
sofiND:Thank you for your time and I hope you the best.

Ms. Miriam: You welcome and thank you.


Once I had a love and it was a gas.

Soon turned out had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing, only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Once I had a love and it was divine

Soon found out I was losing my mind

It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

In between

What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine

Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind

If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good

You teasing like you do

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing, only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Once I had a love and it was divine

Soon found out I was losing my mind

It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Lost inside

Adorable illusion and I cannot hide

I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside

We could've made it cruising, yeah

Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out I had a heart of glass

Soon turned out as a pain in the ass

Seemed like the real thing only to find

Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.

I like this song not to much for the lyrics but the sound is really good and the lyrics are good too but I dont ralate to them too much but is a good song.


It's very simple to find help in Canada specially because, this is a multicultural country so they count with all the services needed, but have access to them is kind of hard because they don't inform people about it in a easy way, they should put more information on the internet or posters with office addresses or telephone numbers you can contact or things like that, they should also hire more bilingual people in that way the people is going to be able to have access to those services quickly and easy and they would understand more. In Notre Dame they should have more activities for ESL students, they should inform other student when your are new to the school and to the country, so they know that you are having problems with the launguage so they should not make fun of you and they should treat you with respect, and organize especial events for ESL students, of their culture so they don't forget their roots.

ABOUT ME!!!!!!

Hi, my name is Sofia Amezaga, I'am from Mexico, which is a beautiful countrty in North America. I have three sisters, my parents and my cat Mia. I love my family, they are the most important people in in the world, as I love my family I love the world. That is why I have a strong intererst in the natural enviroment. That is why I hate global warming. In the future I will try to solve this problem in a more direct way. I also love animals, and I will help them too, because people don't treat them how they should be treaten. So I will figth for them too. when people ask about my favorite food I don't know what to say, because I have so many favorite foods, like mole, pozole and chocolate ice cream, I just love ice cream, who doesn't love it? When it comes to music, I like almost everything , but the type that I like the most is rock or rock with alternative types, I like music from the 90's 80's and spanish classic music, some of the groups of those times that i like are The Cranberries, The Charlatans UK, The doors, Abba,The Turtles , The monkees and Blondie.

Groups that I like from this times are the killers, Keane, Peter Bjorn and John, Evanescence, and some from my country like Cartel de Santa and Molotov which are really good bands(groups).
When it comes to movies I prefered to watch animes my favorite anime director is Ayao Miyazaki and my favorite movie of him is "My Neighbour Totoro", I love that movie, other great anime movies are Millenium Actress, "The Grave of the fireflies" and "Princess Mononoke".
My future goals are to help all the people who need help and the world and animals. I WANT FOR PEOPLE TO HAVE A BETTER WORLD ESPECIALLY FOR MEXICO.